Sunday, December 15, 2013

11 Months

I'm not ready for this....11 months? That means we are just one month away from her first birthday? How can that be? Oh my....

Still soooo busy!

Celebrated her first Thankgiving

She likes to unpack her diaper bag. She was dancing around watching the parade with the water bottle...Buster is also eyeing the water bottle...they both love them!

She loved the green beans and sweet potato!
Wardrobe change! She will only have one "First Thanksgiving!"
Besides...that dress is adorable! Emersyn also made her first craft. 
She knows how to work all her toys, where they are, how to pull them ALL and and kind of how to put them away, haha! She does amaze me at how quickly she picks up things!
She got to help decorate for Christmas. What a big helper! :)

Loves boxes....
Play date!
Enjoying every moment with this sweet baby. Can't believe we are preparing to celebrate her first birthday!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

10 Months

  Growing so fast! This little girl is off and running. She is into everything. She watches everything we do and wants to mimic it. Opening and closing cabinets and doors is a current favorite. 


Naturally with all this new found freedom, little miss girl has become quite the big helper. 

This little girl has also developed quite the sense of humor. Her laugh brightens any day and her smile lights up a room. She loves to play "gonna get ya" and peek a boo. She also likes to follow me around from room to room and grab things and "run" away....she really can be fast!

She loves her food! We started some "easy pick up" food this month. Puffs, lil crunchies, egg, cheese, muffin....she loves it all and loves when she gets to pick something up and put it in her mouth. 

And of course, Emersyn and Buster are still best friends :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

9 Months

This little girl is into everything. She seems so busy exploring her world, but she is also watching everything we are doing. I am completely amazed at the things she does that are just like the things she has watched us do.  

She loves to move. If she is moving, she is happy. Crawling, standing, and even taking some steps. Nothing holds this girl back!  She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it!  She is starting to get to the stage where she gets upset when we remove her from an area or take something away from her that she wanted (aka the remote). Most of the time we can distract her easily, but once in a while we get a little crying, maybe an arching of the back, laying on the floor type fit :). It's all about exploring her world....


A few months ago I was worried about her babbling...or lack of babbling.  Worry no longer - this little lady babbles! Mamamaamamamamaa, bububububububaaaa. We are still working on dadaddada. We are also working on a few sign like "more" and "all done". She stares at me when I do them so I know she is thinking about it and trying to make the connection. Sometimes she brings her hands together and that is good enough for me!

Things Emersyn loves:
The Princess. It won't be a surprise to see her in almost every picture.  It's almost like a Where's Waldo. 
Puffs. I think blueberry is her favorite
Pushing things
Music (listening and playing)
Smiling and laughing

Emersyn plays hard but sleeps hard too. This little girl is so ready to go to bed each night that sometimes she crawls in her room and grabs her lovey off the crib and then crawls over to her nightstand where her books are. I LOVE that she loves sleep!
What a happy sweet girl we are blessed to call our baby each day!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

8 Months

I honestly can't believe it's been 8 months! TJ and I were looking at some of Emersyn's baby, baby pictures the other night and were talking about how we can barely remember her being so small, and, well, babyish. Time really does go by too quickly! 

Little baby girl is so independent these days but is still sweet as pie. She plays great alone, although we stay in the room with her. Every once in a while she crawls over and climbs up our leg and just wants a cuddle.....sweetest. Thing. Ever!  If she can crawl to something and pull up on it, she is happy. She is also content sitting and taste testing everything in reaching distance. I really laugh at how funny it is with the stuff she tries to put in her mouth. 

This month Emersyn has perfected the art of grabbing a puff and getting it into her mouth, and I must add, her hand eye coordination is amazing....the doctor said she wouldn't really get it til 9 months...I guess she showed them,haha. 

She loves to: rip up paper, play with plastic cups, laugh and giggle at Buster (especially when he is running away with her toy), chase Buster, go for strolls, be outside, smile, laugh, be busy in any way shape or form, sit in a cart, go shopping, be with people. 
She is giving Buster her toy...then she will laugh hysterically as he walks away with it...

She can almost wave bye bye and connect that hand movement with what it means. She also lets go and can balance for about 2-3 seconds from a standing position....she is a dare devil!

This month Emersyn also started going to the sitters house. She is doing really well and enjoying playing with some friends close to her age. She is really good about having toys taken from her but apparently doesn't tolerate others taking her "lovey" from her:)

Let me figure out how to hold this monkey and pull up on this toy...

I'm standing....I'm happy!
Relaxing one evening after a long day of playing...
I am not good at taking pictures of us, but we tried!
She loves to open and shut things....even if it is closing on her hand!

She likes to make "razzing" sounds...not so attractive:)

We took her out to breakfast this morning...boy does she love looking around at new things and watching people eat....staring at us with a sad face in hopes of getting something. We fed her puffs and her breakfast of course and she was awesome. 

She is banging on the table for more:) I continue to show her the sign for more, haha. 

Sweet, sweet girl. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

7 Months

We have had another month full of new things! Emersyn had her first vacation to the beach!

 During this vacation she teased us with wasn't until the morning after we came home that she actually crawled!It took all of 2 days for her to learn that she could move to things and then pull up on them. 

Now we are at that stage where we have to follow her around in case she loses balance and falls. But I am usually on the floor playing with her anyways so that's not a big deal. She loves that she can crawl and even more that she can stand. She will squeal when she starts to crawl into the kitchen and then stop, turn around (to make sure we are seeing what she can do) and then squeal and she's off again! I love when she smiles and we can see her bottom teeth - so cute! We keep waiting for the top teeth to come in. We were sure they would be in by now because they have been bothering her for weeks, but no sign yet. She has also started to babble a little bit. However she is much more interested in the other noises she has learned to make....aka, raspberries.  

I finally got the courage to put her in a high chair at a restaurant and a shopping cart. She thought she was really cool in both!


Her and Buster become better friends everyday.