Thursday, February 14, 2013

One Month

Happy One Month Emersyn!!!

You have learned to do so much this month! You are growing up so much every day. Mommy and Daddy love you honey bear:)
 First bath
 Cuddle Bug
 Going to church for the first time!

 Teacher mommy taught you to raise your hand:)
 You love bathtime!
 Meeting your friend Christian
 Family play time
 You love going places

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

To Be Productive...Or To Get Rest, That Is The Question

And this question is quickly answered by TJ as he walks in the door from work, haha. Dirty bottles in the sink, laundry sitting in the dryer (if they made it that far), blankets all over the house, and me and Baby sitting on the couch. REST.

Some days I choose rest and some days I choose to get things done. Bottom line is both cannot get accomplished in the same day. Oh, and this is all if Baby wants to nap for more than 15 minutes at a time.

Naps, now I understand how valued they are. I devote all my time and energy into E's awake time. We talk, read, play, walk around, etc. But when she is sleeping....I get things done (or sleep) like this post for example - she is sleeping, I am frantically typing so that I can make some bottles, and finish the one load of laundry, and maybe eat:)

But some days, after she falls asleep in my arms, and I lay her down in her crib, I run to the couch and close my eyes and I feel like those days make me a better mom. Then I am not complaining at 2am when TJ is kicking me out of the bed to go feed her. Then, I have the energy to walk around the house with her so she can look at everything. Then I can feel like a human being, like the days have light and dark, and I can keep up with the month and day. Because sometimes everything runs together, but I have to savor each moment because the time is already passing too quickly.