Sunday, December 15, 2013

11 Months

I'm not ready for this....11 months? That means we are just one month away from her first birthday? How can that be? Oh my....

Still soooo busy!

Celebrated her first Thankgiving

She likes to unpack her diaper bag. She was dancing around watching the parade with the water bottle...Buster is also eyeing the water bottle...they both love them!

She loved the green beans and sweet potato!
Wardrobe change! She will only have one "First Thanksgiving!"
Besides...that dress is adorable! Emersyn also made her first craft. 
She knows how to work all her toys, where they are, how to pull them ALL and and kind of how to put them away, haha! She does amaze me at how quickly she picks up things!
She got to help decorate for Christmas. What a big helper! :)

Loves boxes....
Play date!
Enjoying every moment with this sweet baby. Can't believe we are preparing to celebrate her first birthday!