Sunday, June 30, 2013

6 Months

I feel like the stretch from 4 - 6 months has had new milestones every time I turn around!  Since school is out, I have been working hard on getting this little girl on a schedule. Some days I feel like it is impossible but others days go smoothly. E loves to eat food (off a spoon) much more than she likes to drink milk. So we are moving from 2 meals a day to 3 very quickly. We have finally reached a point where we have a consistent bedtime routine, bedtime, and wake up time. As a result, TJ and I feel like better parents (because we are well rested) and the evening times seem more manageable. Yay! 

Emersyn is a busy lady! She likes to be on the go and have fun. We have taken her to the pool a few times. She has fun watching the other children, splashing, and just hanging out in the water. 

I love to splash!
I am a big girl now!  I am so happy I can sit up and see everything when we walk. 
I still like to cuddle.....for a few minutes, then it's back to being busy!

It is almost time to retire this seat! She still isn't all that thrilled with the bumbo or superseat we have so we have continued to use this. As you can see she wants to sit up!

Well....I started writing this blog last week and now our big girl is sitting up on her own!
I don't leave her unattended still or put her anywhere but on carpet because she sometimes topples backwards! I gotta give her credit though, she is brave and rarely fusses or cries, but instead turns over onto her stomach and then rolls to what she wants. 

Something else we are moving into this month is teething.....ugh! I feel so bad for little girl. I can tell her gums are really hurting more and more each day.  She always has something in her mouth. It must feel good rubbing on her gums. We can feel something sharp coming through.....

But we won't be getting a picture because she does not like people looking in her mouth haha. 

She is starting to get big so fast! I am so thankful I can be home with her this summer to watch her grow and explore her world each day. 


Emersyn is playing under her jungle and I am taking pictures and playing with a new app on the iPad!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

5 Months

Little girl is 5 months old! Hard to believe! She is BUSY BUSY BUSY! She is so aware of everything that is going on around her. We are continually amazed at the things she tries to do each day.

E continues to laugh out loud...especially when I start talking to TJ about something that happened at school, when we start laughing or when we pick her up in the morning or after a nap and walk out of her room. Sometimes she laughs when we try really hard, but usually she just laughs as she observes us doing normal every day things.

She smiles all. the. time. and I am so thankful that she is a smiley baby. I really wanted her to smile when we engaged with her and she does. She also smiles when someone talks to her that she recognizes and smiles at Buster when he walks by.

Squealing, or as I like to put it...exploring the sounds she makes. E experiments with all the new sounds she hears herself make and when we respond she gets excited. Actually this is how we know she is excited. She loves to lay under things that hang down...oh yea...we are really into grabbing as well....back to that in a minute. When she plays her squeals at the toys hanging down at her and also when she eats apples. One day I came home from work and she was playing. I went over to say hi and she smiled and squealed - love <3

Grabbing...everything. Earrings, necklace, phone, cup, dog, toy, shirt, napkin, brush etc.

Rolling - she rolls from her stomach to her back and from her back to her stomach. She has also discovered her feet, and loves to grab for them, hold on, and rock back and forth.

Tummy time - E is really good at pushing her upper body up with her arms and then looking all around.

Sitting, Standing, and Jumping - She loves to be held up in a standing position, but that's hard to do all the time, so we put her in a jumper. She loves this and has so much fun! E is also showing interest in sitting up on her own (because when she is sitting now she is grabbing for things. This usually results in her going from a sitting to her tummy, to rolling to her back, but she loves that she can move!) I know it won't be long until she is sitting on her own.

Sleeping - we are FINALLY doing better with sleeping which has only just occurred this week, but no complaints here!

Eating - we started stage 1 baby food. So far we REALLY like apples. We also like green beans, bananas, sweet potatoes, and peas. She is not so sure about pears, carrots and peaches yet, but we keep trying.
We are definitely seeing her little personality shining through more and more each day!

WOW!! Little Miss has been very busy this month. What a precious gift she is to us and what joy she brings to our lives every day!