Monday, May 13, 2013

4 Months

Already? Time seemed to go by so much faster now that I am back at work. The days come and go and I don't even realize what has happened!

What I do know is my baby girl is growing so fast!

This month she started eating more, talking more, staying awake more, and became more aware of everything. She laughs when I tell a story from school. She is wide-eyed when we take a walk around the neighborhood or go shopping. She is grabbing for things, and holding on to them. She just rolled over from her stomach to her back and goes from her back to her side. She has found a lovey. She met new friends. She loves to be outside. Buster loves her more and more everyday. She looks when she hears your voice and turns her head when you walk by. She can sit up in things...or propped up against a pillow. And she loves to put things in her mouth!

The good news this month - she seems to finally be adjusting to the world. I didn't want to write it here before, but it seems like it was so long ago now...she wasn't always a happy baby. Many a screaming night in this house. But that is seems like a distant memory. Is my baby girl always Do we wish she was...of course - don't all parents?

Every day she changes. Every day we think about the personality she is forming. Sometimes we get a little scared:) Haha! It is amazing to watch her think. Explore. She loves the sounds she makes. She loves the things she sees. And we feel blessed to be able to watch as she explores this world.

 Little Miss Personality

 Emersyn and her friend Norah
 Her lovey
 Eating her toy

Friday, May 10, 2013

She Rolled Over!

This is her very first second time rolling over...didn't catch the first one on video:)