Monday, October 14, 2013

9 Months

This little girl is into everything. She seems so busy exploring her world, but she is also watching everything we are doing. I am completely amazed at the things she does that are just like the things she has watched us do.  

She loves to move. If she is moving, she is happy. Crawling, standing, and even taking some steps. Nothing holds this girl back!  She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it!  She is starting to get to the stage where she gets upset when we remove her from an area or take something away from her that she wanted (aka the remote). Most of the time we can distract her easily, but once in a while we get a little crying, maybe an arching of the back, laying on the floor type fit :). It's all about exploring her world....


A few months ago I was worried about her babbling...or lack of babbling.  Worry no longer - this little lady babbles! Mamamaamamamamaa, bububububububaaaa. We are still working on dadaddada. We are also working on a few sign like "more" and "all done". She stares at me when I do them so I know she is thinking about it and trying to make the connection. Sometimes she brings her hands together and that is good enough for me!

Things Emersyn loves:
The Princess. It won't be a surprise to see her in almost every picture.  It's almost like a Where's Waldo. 
Puffs. I think blueberry is her favorite
Pushing things
Music (listening and playing)
Smiling and laughing

Emersyn plays hard but sleeps hard too. This little girl is so ready to go to bed each night that sometimes she crawls in her room and grabs her lovey off the crib and then crawls over to her nightstand where her books are. I LOVE that she loves sleep!
What a happy sweet girl we are blessed to call our baby each day!